Relation between possible under-diagnosed/treated glucose dysmetabolism, delayed villous maturation, and lethal fetal pneumonia
Relation between possible under-diagnosed/treated glucose dysmetabolism, delayed villous maturation, and lethal fetal pneumonia

Relation between possible under-diagnosed/treated glucose dysmetabolism, delayed villous maturation, and lethal fetal pneumonia

Placenta. 2024 Jul 20;154:220-223. doi: 10.1016/j.placenta.2024.07.054. Online ahead of print.


BACKGROUND: Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a known risk factor for stillbirth (Rosenstein et al., 2012) [1]. Delayed villous maturation (DVM), predominantly seen in term placentas in pregnancies complicated with glucose dysmetabolism, may in part be a consequence of excessive maternal glucose leading to release of fetal insulin and other growth factors that promote excessive placental growth at the expense of villous maturation (Redline, 2012) [2].

CASES: We present three cases of under-diagnosed/treated glucose dysmetabolism in women in their first pregnancies cared for in other hospitals in the United Kingdom (UK) with the fatal fetal/neonatal outcomes and confirmed DVM in the placenta and congenital pneumonia on post-mortem examination in all three cases.

CONCLUSION: This cluster supports a hypothesis that DVM and glucose dysmentabolism may make babies more susceptible to severe perinatal infection. All three cases received the antenatal care in their subsequent pregnancies in our unit and had confirmed glucose dysmetabolism which was treated and resulted in healthy babies.

PMID:39106563 | DOI:10.1016/j.placenta.2024.07.054