Physical exercise and college students’ sense of meaning in life: Chain mediating effect test
Physical exercise and college students’ sense of meaning in life: Chain mediating effect test

Physical exercise and college students’ sense of meaning in life: Chain mediating effect test

BMC Psychol. 2024 May 23;12(1):287. doi: 10.1186/s40359-024-01792-9.


BACKGROUND: To explore the impact mechanism of physical exercise on the sense of meaning in life of college students, and analyze the chain mediating effect between self-concept and self-control.

METHODS: A questionnaire survey was conducted on 923 college students in China using the Physical Exercise Rating Scale (PARS-3), Life Meaning Scale, Self Concept Scale, and Self Control Scale.

RESULTS: (1) Physical exercise, self-concept, self-control and sense of meaning in life are significantly related to each other; (2) Self-concept and self-control play a chain mediating role between physical exercise and college students’ sense of meaning in life, with an effect value of 0.042, accounting for 5.48% of the total effect.

CONCLUSION: Physical exercise can directly enhance the sense of meaning in life of college students, and can also indirectly enhance it not only through the mediating effect of self-concept and self-control, but also through the chain mediating effect of the two. These results provide theoretical reference for college students to improve their sense of life meaning and mental health education.

PMID:38783352 | DOI:10.1186/s40359-024-01792-9