IFAC Pap OnLine. 2022;55(39):165-168. doi: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2022.12.041. Epub 2022 Dec 20.
As adolescence is the most sensitive period of human development, characterized by many physical, psychological, cognitive and emotional changes that affect all adolescents, some more to some less also not forgetting that in recent years we have faced a difficult situation caused by COVID 19, a period of dealing with many health problems, loss of loved ones, closing schools and switching to online learning, isolation social. Our study is focused on adolescence and specifically depression in adolescents of lower secondary schools and upper secondary schools in the municipality of Pristina to know more closely the consequences of COVID 19 in adolescents.
PMID:38620705 | PMC:PMC9764831 | DOI:10.1016/j.ifacol.2022.12.041