N Z Med J. 2024 Jun 7;137(1596):52-71. doi: 10.26635/6965.6259.
Economic barriers to accessing support for children with paediatric feeding difficulties can have serious repercussions, including parental stress and emotional fatigue, the child developing a negative relationship with food and health risks such as undernourishment, aspiration pneumonia or choking. We explored the financial and psychological impact experienced by parents and caregivers raising a child with a feeding difficulty in Aotearoa. Respondents were 88 parents or caregivers of a child with a feeding difficulty, living in Aotearoa. Respondents completed an online survey with 34 questions, the majority of which were multi-choice. Open-ended responses provided exemplars and detail. The results indicate that many families (64.3%) experience a significant but small impact associated with raising a child with feeding difficulties in Aotearoa. However, 36.4% of respondents reported a moderate to significant financial impact. Barriers to working caused by feeding challenges and childcare, as well as non-medical expenses, contributed to financial strain and psychological impacts experienced by respondents. Parents struggled to find support for their own wellbeing.
PMID:38843550 | DOI:10.26635/6965.6259