Exploring the lived experiences of women with infertility using traditional healthcare services in Harare urban, Zimbabwe
Exploring the lived experiences of women with infertility using traditional healthcare services in Harare urban, Zimbabwe

Exploring the lived experiences of women with infertility using traditional healthcare services in Harare urban, Zimbabwe

Afr J Reprod Health. 2024 Jul 31;28(7):61-70. doi: 10.29063/ajrh2024/v28i7.7.


Infertility has a significant impact on the lives of women. Therefore, affected women often consider the treatment options available to deal with their condition, including traditional healthcare services (THS). The aim of this phenomenological study was to explore the lived experiences of women with infertility problems who sought help from traditional health practitioners in Harare, Zimbabwe. Data from interviews with five women with infertility was explicated using a simplified version of Hycner (1985) five step explication process. Two major themes and eight sub themes emerged from the findings. The major themes were traditional diagnosis experiences and traditional treatment experiences. Consultation and divination were the diagnosis methods experienced by the women with infertility. The THS offered comprehensive management of infertility through couples therapy, as well as pre- and post-natal therapies, which include lifestyle counselling. The findings also showed that women with infertility commonly receive concurrent treatment, including both allopathic and traditional medicine. This presents an opportunity to explore the convergence of traditional and allopathic approaches in the management of infertility in women.

PMID:39097979 | DOI:10.29063/ajrh2024/v28i7.7