Development of delivery plans for pregnant women with complex heart disease
Development of delivery plans for pregnant women with complex heart disease

Development of delivery plans for pregnant women with complex heart disease

Int J Cardiol Congenit Heart Dis. 2022 Apr 23;9:100375. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcchd.2022.100375. eCollection 2022 Sep.


The population of pregnant patients with complex cardiac disorders is increasing. The overarching goal of guidelines and best practices revolve around optimal patient outcome and experience. This is achieved through collaborative practice models focused on the goal of the management of these high-risk patients. A coordinated multidisciplinary delivery plan is a centerfold of this iterative collaborative team approach to safe pregnancy care of the pregnant person and her neonate. Here, we provide an overview of how the delivery plan is developed and integrated into the clinical management of pregnant women with complex cardiac disease.

PMID:39713547 | PMC:PMC11657793 | DOI:10.1016/j.ijcchd.2022.100375