Comparison between manual vs electric powered toothbrush by using the PCR index in paediatric dentistry
Comparison between manual vs electric powered toothbrush by using the PCR index in paediatric dentistry

Comparison between manual vs electric powered toothbrush by using the PCR index in paediatric dentistry

Eur J Paediatr Dent. 2024 Sep 1:1. doi: 10.23804/ejpd.2024.2138. Online ahead of print.


AIM: This present study has two primary objectives: firstly, to compare the effectiveness of an electric toothbrush versus a manual toothbrush in biofilm removal; secondarily, to assess the effectiveness of individualised instructions provided by the operator.

MATERIALS: Fifty-five paediatric patients were enrolled in the study. Data collection involved three main steps: 1) Pre-brushing PCR index collection; 2) Post-brushing PCR index collection; 3) Post-brushing PCR index collection after providing individual instructions. The tooth surfaces were colored with a liquid plaque detector. To assess whether there was a statistically significant difference in plaque values before and after brushing, a Wilcoxon signed-rank test was conducted. The Wilcoxon test with continuity correction was performed to compare the two brushing methods.

CONCLUSION: It is possible to confirm a correlation between instructions provided by the operator and lower plaque index. As regards the comparison between manual and electric toothbrush, in our study one tool did not emerge as more effective than the other.

PMID:39355903 | DOI:10.23804/ejpd.2024.2138