

Coaching & Mentoring

LET’S WORK, GROW TOGETHER FREE OF BASER INSTINCTS – Autonomy & Responsible Free Will respected here!

From the Founder’s Desk – My Plans

The amount of information available to us online is immense. I am at heart a deeply reflective, peripatetic, international, senior Paediatrician & Educationist with three key focus interests – Breath, Mind, & Human Factors that can holistically make or break a growing person’s spirit of endeavour. At JohnJAcademy, using lessons often learnt the hard way on my own journey – on access, equity, cultures and pragmatism – I am working on new and innovative strategies here to reach the learning community with Values Based Medical Education delivered using two key modalities in addition to the conventional modes of delivery, which are through didactic courses and self-directed literature searches. The Academy initially brings to you, freely under one umbrella some of the most salient guideposts that help the professional keep on top of the topical issues in the main fields of interest – Human factors, Respirology & Mental Health as relevant to the Infant, Child and Adolescent age groups of patients. In these times when realistically accessible & affordable resource allocations are shrinking in terms of time and funding, amidst rapidly changing medical workforce morale and pathways, I feel the first step is to launch and employ what I would like to call the ‘Five Loaves and Two Fishes Approach‘, and then build up our infrastructure capacities to what I would like to call the ‘A.R.C.H.Ai.M’ tools to bring a truly motivating delivery of holistic educational material to you – for an enduring, deep & immersive learning. I am sure you will find the learning experience herein progressively exhilarating – whether you are a student, lifelong learner professional or CYP ( a Brit acronym for the Child & young Person – meaning a ‘0-18’)! Stay with us, visit us often, and …Watch this space! More to come ! Thank You, John J.

Child / Adolescent Mental Health

Respirology in Child Health

Neonatal / Perinatal Medicine

Search PubMed

The latest evidence from PubMed on


Let’s work together, if at all. Philanthropy from Overflows and ‘nihil sine Deo‘ – ‘Let the strong help the weak, the wise the unable unlearnt – selfish love of money and power being at the root of all evil and grief in today’s society’


Planning – PPPPPP Principle

Learn the first steps of the PPPPPP Principle

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Record your learning & practice of learnt skill breaking it down into steps.

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Deep Learning

Evidence and Deep Learning.

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Our Audience

Young People and Parents

Health Professionals