Am J Epidemiol. 2024 May 23:kwae085. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwae085. Online ahead of print.
We examined the association between childhood adversity and fecundability (the per-cycle probability of conception), and the extent to which childhood social support modified this association. We used data from 6,318 female participants aged 21-45 years in Pregnancy Study Online (PRESTO), a North American prospective preconception cohort study (2013-2022). Participants completed a baseline questionnaire, bimonthly follow-up questionnaires (until pregnancy or a censoring event), and a supplemental questionnaire on experiences across the life course including adverse childhood experiences (ACE) and social support (using the modified Berkman-Syme Social Network Index [SNI]). We used proportional probabilities regression models to compute fecundability ratios (FR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI), adjusting for potential confounders and precision variables. Adjusted FRs for ACE scores 1-3 and ≥4 vs. 0 were 0.91 (95% CI: 0.85, 0.97) and 0.84 (95% CI: 0.77, 0.91), respectively. FRs for ACE scores ≥4 vs. 0 were 0.86 (95% CI: 0.78, 0.94) among participants reporting high childhood social support (SNI ≥4) and 0.78 (95% CI: 0.56, 1.07) among participants reporting low childhood social support (SNI <4). Our findings confirm results from two previous studies and indicate that high childhood social support slightly buffered the effects of childhood adversity on fecundability.
PMID:38794905 | DOI:10.1093/aje/kwae085