

From Humble beginnings, to Higher grounds in encouraging living morally – prudently, responsibly, wisely, usefully, ethically and kindly – in a commune through a rewarding exposure to right Education and Research.

Insights: Founder’s Blogs – looking autonomously, morally & prudently at the latest evidence distilled from current research literature & work on pertinent Medical and Holistic Health topics worldwide.

Commentary on salient national public health scenarios that merit attention – Holistic Health.

Educational Ventures – Provision: Exemplars of medical educational value, with illustrated presentations.and Courses. Academic outreach.

Priority Areas of interest: Holistic Health & Complex Needs Children – Child & Adolescent Mental Health. Perinatal & Neonatal Respirology. Human Factors (Organisational Cultures, Moral Injuries & Human Resilience, Ethics in practice, ‘Regenerative’ Medicine), Exploring access to Education & Research in these fields.