Third Molar Comparison in Class I and II Extraction and Non-extraction Orthodontic Treatment: A Retrospective Longitudinal Study
Third Molar Comparison in Class I and II Extraction and Non-extraction Orthodontic Treatment: A Retrospective Longitudinal Study

Third Molar Comparison in Class I and II Extraction and Non-extraction Orthodontic Treatment: A Retrospective Longitudinal Study

Turk J Orthod. 2024 Mar 28;37(1):7-13. doi: 10.4274/TurkJOrthod.2023.2022.160.


OBJECTIVE: This study compared third molar angulation and eruption status in Class I and II malocclusions after orthodontic treatment with and without first premolar extractions.

METHODS: The sample comprised 93 patients divided into four groups: Group 1, Class I malocclusion treated with first premolar extractions; Group 2, Class I malocclusion treated without extractions; Group 3, Class II malocclusion treated with first premolar extractions; and Group 4, Class II malocclusion treated without extractions. Panoramic radiographs were used to evaluate the third molar mesiodistal angulations at T1 (pretreatment), T2 (posttreatment), and T3 (long-term posttreatment). Third molar eruption status was assessed in dental casts. Intergroup angulations and eruption status comparisons were performed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), followed by Tukey’s test and Kruskal-Wallis test, respectively.

RESULTS: Significantly greater mesial angulation and percentage of erupted right maxillary third molars were observed in the Class I extraction group. Significantly greater eruption status of the right mandibular third molars was observed in the Class I and Class II malocclusion extraction groups.

CONCLUSION: Class I and II malocclusion extraction treatment exhibited more favorable angulations and a greater number of erupted third molars than non-extraction treatment. The non-extraction groups exhibited a greater percentage of unerupted third molars.

PMID:38556947 | DOI:10.4274/TurkJOrthod.2023.2022.160