Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci. 2024 Nov 18;33:e64. doi: 10.1017/S2045796024000726.
AIMS: Psychotic-like experiences (PLEs), especially for persistent PLEs, are highly predictive of subsequent mental health problems. Hence, it is crucial to explore the psychopathological associations underlying the occurrence and persistence of PLEs. This study aimed to explore the above issues through a longitudinal dynamic network approach among PLEs and psychological and psychosocial factors.
METHODS: A total of 3,358 college students completed two waves of online survey (from Oct 2021 to Oct 2022). Socio-demographic information was collected at baseline, and PLEs, depressive and anxiety symptoms, and adverse life events were assessed in both waves. Cross-lagged panel network analyses were used to establish networks among individuals with baseline PLEs as well as those without.
RESULTS: At baseline, 455(13.5%) students were screened positive for PLEs. Distinct dynamic network structures were revealed among participants with baseline PLEs and those without. While ‘psychomotor disturbance’ had the strongest connection with PLEs in participants with baseline PLEs, ‘suicide/self-harm’ was most associated with PLEs in those without. Among all three subtypes of PLEs, bizarre experiences and persecutory ideation were the most affected nodes by other constructs in participants with baseline PLEs and those without, respectively. Additionally, wide interconnections within the PLEs construct existed only among participants without baseline PLEs.
CONCLUSIONS: The study provides time-variant associations between PLEs and depressive symptoms, anxiety symptoms, and adverse life events using network structures. These findings help to reveal the crucial markers of the occurrence and persistence of PLEs, and shed high light on future intervention aimed to prevent and relieve PLEs.
PMID:39555751 | DOI:10.1017/S2045796024000726