Experiences with discrimination during pregnancy in Canada and associations with depression and anxiety symptoms
Experiences with discrimination during pregnancy in Canada and associations with depression and anxiety symptoms

Experiences with discrimination during pregnancy in Canada and associations with depression and anxiety symptoms

Can J Public Health. 2024 Oct 24. doi: 10.17269/s41997-024-00933-2. Online ahead of print.


OBJECTIVES: Experiences of discrimination reported during pregnancy are common and are associated with poor mental health and adverse birth outcomes. No Canadian studies have investigated interpersonal discrimination during pregnancy. This study aimed to quantify and identify lived-experiences of discrimination in a Canadian cohort of pregnant individuals, and examine associations with concurrent prenatal anxiety and depression symptoms.

METHODS: Pregnant individuals from the pan-Canadian Pregnancy During the Pandemic (PdP) study (n = 1943) completed the Everyday Discrimination Scale (EDS), demographic measures and self-report measures of depression and anxiety symptoms. Descriptive statistics and ANCOVA were used to assess prevalence of discrimination and associated mental health outcomes. Open-text responses (n = 189) to a question investigating reasons for discrimination were analyzed using conventional content analysis.

RESULTS: Approximately three quarters (72%) of pregnant individuals experienced at least one instance of discrimination during their pregnancy or within the year prior. Pregnant individuals experiencing more frequent and/or more types of discrimination were more likely to identify as non-white, not be partnered, have lower socioeconomic status, and have a pre-pregnancy history of anxiety and depression. The most common attributions for interpersonal discrimination were gender, age, and education/income level. Pregnant individuals who experienced more frequent discrimination and/or more types of discrimination were more likely to report clinically significant symptoms of depression and anxiety (n = 623; 35.2% and 49.1%, respectively) compared to those who reported no discrimination (n = 539; 11.5% and 19.1%, respectively). Conventional content analysis of open-text responses generated the following main themes: (1) personal attributes and sociodemographic characteristics, (2) occupation, (3) the COVID-19 pandemic, (4) pregnancy and parenting, and (5) causes outside the self.

CONCLUSION: Frequent discrimination was associated with more adverse concurrent mental health symptoms. Understanding experiences of discrimination can inform interventions that better address the needs of pregnant individuals and their infants.

PMID:39446296 | DOI:10.17269/s41997-024-00933-2