Mental Health Among Incarcerated Male Youth With Violent and Sexual Offense Convictions by Race and Offense Type
Mental Health Among Incarcerated Male Youth With Violent and Sexual Offense Convictions by Race and Offense Type

Mental Health Among Incarcerated Male Youth With Violent and Sexual Offense Convictions by Race and Offense Type

Violence Vict. 2024 Sep 12:VV-2021-0205.R1. doi: 10.1891/VV-2021-0205. Online ahead of print.


Incarcerated adolescents are at increased risk for negative mental health outcomes. Race and offense type can differentially influence legal outcomes as well as mental health symptom presentation. Our study examined whether adolescent mental health problems differed for 1,303 male youth at a Southeastern U.S.-based juvenile prison depending on the adolescent’s race and offense type (specifically offenses involving physical or sexual violence). Results indicated significantly different patterns of mental health symptoms and psychopathic traits between Black and White male youth and between male youth with adjudicated violent and sexual offenses. Study findings have important implications for policies and practices centered around rehabilitative practices in juvenile prisons.

PMID:39266263 | DOI:10.1891/VV-2021-0205