Basement Membrane Matrix Encapsulated Cell Aggregation for Investigating Murine Spleen Tissue Formation
Basement Membrane Matrix Encapsulated Cell Aggregation for Investigating Murine Spleen Tissue Formation

Basement Membrane Matrix Encapsulated Cell Aggregation for Investigating Murine Spleen Tissue Formation

J Vis Exp. 2024 Jun 28;(208). doi: 10.3791/66682.


The spleen is an immune organ that plays a key role in blood-borne immune responses. The anatomical or functional loss of this tissue increases susceptibility to severe blood infections and sepsis. Auto-transplantation of spleen slices has been used clinically to replace lost tissue and restore immune function. However, the mechanism driving robust and immunologically functional spleen tissue regeneration has not been fully elucidated. Here, we aim to develop a method for aggregating and encapsulating spleen cells within a semi-solid matrix in order to investigate the cellular requirements for spleen tissue formation. Basement membrane matrix encapsulated cell constructs are amenable to both in vitro tissue culture of three-dimensional organoids as well as transplantation under the kidney capsule to directly assess in vivo tissue formation. By manipulating the input cells for aggregation and encapsulation, we demonstrate that graft-derived PDGFRβ+MAdCAM-1 neonatal stromal cells are required for spleen tissue regeneration under animal transplantation models.

PMID:39007618 | DOI:10.3791/66682