Hospitalizations for mental and behavioral disorders due to alcohol and other psychoactive substance use among adolescents in Brazil, 2017-2022
Hospitalizations for mental and behavioral disorders due to alcohol and other psychoactive substance use among adolescents in Brazil, 2017-2022

Hospitalizations for mental and behavioral disorders due to alcohol and other psychoactive substance use among adolescents in Brazil, 2017-2022

Epidemiol Serv Saude. 2024 Jul 8;33:e20231110. doi: 10.1590/S2237-96222024V33E20231110.EN. eCollection 2024.


OBJECTIVE: To assess the epidemiological profile and trend in hospitalizations for mental and behavioral disorders due to alcohol and other psychoactive substance use among Brazilian adolescents, between 2017 and 2022.

METHODS: This was a time-series study using data from the Hospital Information System of the Brazilian National Health System; the trend analysis was performed by estimating the annual percentage change (APC) of hospitalization rates per 100,000 inhabitants and respective confidence intervals (95%CI), using the Prais-Winsten method.

RESULTS: A total of 29,991 hospitalizations were recorded in the study period, with a decreasing trend observed, from 16.18/100,000 inhabitants in 2017 to 13.72/100,000 inhab. in 2022 (percent change of -2.65%; 95%CI -4.47;-0.80), a greater decline was found in males (-3.48%; 95%CI -5.20;-1.72), in the age group of 15 to 19 years (-2.79%; 95%CI -4.49;-1.06), in the South (-3.29%; 95%CI -5.37;-1.16) and Midwest (-3.64%; 95%CI -5.75;-1.49) regions of the country.

CONCLUSION: Hospitalizations showed a decreasing trend in the study period, with sociodemographic disparities.

PMID:38985064 | DOI:10.1590/S2237-96222024V33E20231110.EN