Adv Pediatr. 2024 Aug;71(1):169-179. doi: 10.1016/j.yapd.2023.12.001. Epub 2024 Jan 6.
Undescended testis is the most common genital disorder identified at birth. Boys who do not have spontaneous descent of the testis at 6 months of age, adjusted for gestational age, should be referred to pediatric urology for timely orchiopexy. Retractile testes are at risk for secondary ascent of the testes and should be monitored by physical examination annually. If there is concern for ascent of the testis, pediatric urology referral is recommended. Most cases of phimosis can be managed medically with topical corticosteroids and manual retraction of the foreskin.
PMID:38944481 | DOI:10.1016/j.yapd.2023.12.001