Seeking an Integrated Approach to Trauma and Problematic Sexual Behaviors in Adolescents: Learning from Practitioners
Seeking an Integrated Approach to Trauma and Problematic Sexual Behaviors in Adolescents: Learning from Practitioners

Seeking an Integrated Approach to Trauma and Problematic Sexual Behaviors in Adolescents: Learning from Practitioners

J Child Adolesc Trauma. 2023 Dec 19;17(2):383-397. doi: 10.1007/s40653-023-00604-3. eCollection 2024 Jun.


More than a third of all sexual crimes are committed by adolescents. In addition, many adolescents struggle with problematic sexual behaviors (PSB) that may not rise to a criminal offense, but cause harm to themselves and those around them. A significant number of these adolescents also have histories of their own trauma; yet there are no treatment models that integrate both PSB and trauma into one comprehensive treatment for this population. This qualitative study’s aim was to use the expertise of clinicians who work with adolescents with PSB as well as clients and their caregivers who had completed PSB treatment to understand what they believe are the necessary components and elements needed for an integrated model that seeks to simultaneously address both PSB and the consequences of traumatic experiences. Twenty-six mental health professionals and one former client and his caregiver participated in focus groups (three with clinicians and one with the caregiver and former client) to share their experiences and expertise regarding an integrated model. The thematic analysis procedure yielded six major themes: family, external systems, treatment structure, therapeutic themes, specialized PSB targets, and trauma and PSB integration. Each of these major themes was comprised of subthemes that are presented as well. Implications for practice and future research are discussed, including that clinicians could benefit from guidance and structure to assist them in structuring their interventions to address the multiple needs of their clients that seek to reduce their risk of reoffending while simultaneously enhancing the quality of their lives.

PMID:38938949 | PMC:PMC11199444 | DOI:10.1007/s40653-023-00604-3